Denken, Doen en Laten

Review tendering regime

Movia, as responsible public transport authority for the provision of bus services within the region of Copenhagen and Sealand has asked inno-V to review its tendering regime.

The review requested by Movia included analysing the strong and weak points of the current tendering model (including incentives), benchmarking Movia to comparable public transport authorities, focusing on the interface between authority and operator (split of responsibility and cooperation); advising on the future focus of Movia in the light of changing trends, and producing recommendations.

inno-V realised a SWOT-analysis of Movia to refine the issues to be covered by case studies, and identified challenges facing Movia. Case studies were then selected to address these issues identified and provide useful lessons for possible amendments to the current regime used by Movia; this also provided a core benchmark of Movia’s situation compared to the selected cases. Recommendations were produced on advisable alternative models to address the issues identified while suited to the circumstances within which Movia has to operate, and indicating the benefits that these models could generate.

This work was realised under the leadership of inno-V and in cooperation with COWI (Denmark) and KCW (Germany).

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